Friday, 19 August 2016

P5- Identify the information systems used in a specified organisation

P5- Describe typical services provided by networks
Describe typical services provided by networks. 

Directory services: used for e.g.

Account management
Account management is important for many networks and the users connected to it as it allows for certain powers for each user. Account management has the power to edit the user and the type of account it is, adding and removing users of the network and granting accessing to specific areas but normally this is strictly monitored. Many important organisations use this that manage a large number of users so for example when a new person joins the organisation a new user is created using the account management and their policies are set and the same rule applies when a person leaves the organisation. Account management can also chance powers for certain users for example a higher level person in the business which gained promotion can get higher access to be a computer administrator and allow for local machine editing.

Authentication management
Authentication management is a service normally that is used for form ID and in operating system users. All the different users connected will have different authorities such as some can access the network and use resources of the public network and access the printer connected to the network and authentication management takes care of this by verifying specific things about the user. There are many authentication management methods such as Passwords (Depending on the complexity of the password it will be verified using different methods), Encrypted Certificates (often certificates are provided for some level of authentication), Smart Card (which can be scanned and verify

Active directory
Active directory is another type of directory service made by Microsoft Corporation. This can be used in small or big networks. This kind of directory can store entire objects and verify the directory to authenticate it. However active directory is only installed in special network operating systems as this is a special feature to manage networks. For example it can verify all users and computers in the windows domain network and enforce security policies, so when a person logins into a computer and submit the password active directory will check whether the password was correct in the first place and also it will decide whether the user is an administrator, guest or a normal user. However it also use in telephones and telephone directory. For example it will sort, look up and request information based the original request.

DNS Stands for domain name server and is very important for the internet and every network connected. DNS Translates domain names that are normally in alphabetic so they are easier for humans to remember and then they are translated into IP Addresses. For example can be translated into DNS Runs special purpose network software to find each of the addresses over the internet. For example your web browser acts as a DNS Client that issues a request to the DNS Server normally on a database so navigation is made easier, there are many DNS Servers all with different hierarchy and if one of the lower ones don’t find it the next higher one is needed and finally one the request is fulfilled it will flow back from the chain of DNS Servers to the client so they can get the webpage they requested for. Of course DNS Servers are fast and everything happens in a blink of an eye otherwise it will cause further delay. Furthermore many large scale businesses can purchase permanent ones so it can be much faster for users finding their website to get information.

Telecommunication services: communication e.g.

Email is the most popular and widely used communication method because of its ease of use. Emails allow for communication via text however other things can be implemented into the email such as files, images, videos, music and even other links. Without emails none of this communication wouldn’t be possible or an even longer method would be required. Emails have their own email address which is kind of like there ID and when other users want to send emails this email address is required otherwise it just won’t send. Emails just like everything else in the network require protocols for sending and receiving which are normally POP3 and SMTP for correct email delivery and then report back to the person sending the email if it was successfully delivered or not. Furthermore for emails to be viewed a client software is required such as Microsoft Outlook however it can also be web based such as Gmail, Yahoo mail, Mail bird 2.0, Thunderbird, Inky, eM client, Claws Mail etc and most of these are free to use. And finally without an email server none of these emails can be stored. Email clients are useful for businesses as multiple email addresses from different email client can be used on the same application and the switch between them is very easy and save a lot of time

Internet relay chat (IRC)
Internet relay chat is an application that allows for communication using telecommunication networking. IRC are computer programs that can communicate with a form of text. The good thing about this is it allows for instant messaging rather than waiting extra time for a message. Now as this has improved the protocols can allow for more than 2 people to just be connected. Some examples of IRC can be Undernet, Talk City etc. Everything through IRC is very secure and private to make sure other connections are not connected and sharing the privacy. An IRC Server is needed and is responsible for storing and broadcasting the messages. But the only disadvantage is that every user connected must have the IRC Client to precipitate in the chat. Furthermore many commands can be added to the IRC Chat to make something happen for example you can type in /join to join a particular group chat. 

Discussion boards
Discussion boards are just like real life but can be used on computers and over networks. Normally it is like a bulletin board which the user can setup so other users can read this bulletin board and leave a message. Discussion boards can be operated and created by many websites however special software is also available for the download. Discussion boards allow for a good discussion to be taken place so thoughts and ideas can be shared using different materials such as picture, videos, text, music etc. The best thing about discussion boards is they allow for people to communicate over different networks from miles away in different locations, just like emails. Discussion boards can be used for various ways such as a student asking a question on a topic, employees from different businesses discussing topics together etc. So in basic terms it is similar to online forums. Some examples of discussion board software are Board Portal Software, phpBB, myBB etc.

Remote access
Remote access is a need for modern day networking as it allows users to access files and other documents without being at the actual desktop location. Normally the user accessing the files is on a different network so they can usually use a software that will content and configure the connection between them and the other host.

Remote access can also be used via mobile phones as technology is now implemented into these smartphones. For example on android and IOS you can get apps such as Netop Mobile and Team Viewer which is successfully popular. You can then connect your mobile phone to a desktop computer and then control features such as transfer files from mobile to computer, access a desktop with all the features and programs and remotely administer unattended computers such as servers. Just like the remote desktop some authentication is required but say for example you are connecting to workstation, as long as it’s on standby and connected to the internet with a remote desktop connection allowed you can connect with it from the other side of the globe on a completely different network. Furthermore normally the same software will be required on the device for it to connect but as smart phones there are like miniature computers.

Remote desktop
Remote desktop software is the most commonly use software in any operating system as it is easy for users to use. Normally only a few things are required such as the IP Address, computer name, username, location and other network addresses. Once everything entered it should be able to connect to the other system and there servers. Many locations use this feature such as big businesses that need help or troubleshooting with other companies or customer problems or colleges/ universities to let students access work from other places. Remote desktop software can also be implemented with the operating system, for example Windows has “Remote Desktop Connection” that allows for remote desktop operating. However other open source and freeware programs can be downloaded. Remote desktop has many good features such as capturing the users mouse and keyboard for it to be in real time in the actual software which makes this so much easier but furthermore some remote desktop software’s also support real-time file transfer where you can simply drag a file from your own personal computer to the remote desktop connection then storing it on the server.
Of course you cannot just gain authentication into any old remote desktop connection where normally a username and password is required to login. The uses of remote desktop can be used for various things such as remote administration and cloud computing.

Social networking
Social networking can also be used in remote access.

File services:

File transfer
File transfer in very important whether is done over a network or just offline. File transfer can be done over the internet in numerous ways such as over the cloud, remote access or through normal cabling. File transfers over the internet are normally done over the file servers which stores all the files and documents uploaded to that store and anyone access that server can download the files they require. File transfer is just like data transfer which can be done in two ways like uploading or downloading a file. Again just like anything over the network protocols are required for the connection to be setup securely and be maintained smoothly. Like a stated previously file transfer is become increasing popular through cloud storage which can allow for good transmission speeds of course depending on your speed. Furthermore they also give a lot of storage for files to be uploaded. File transfers can be done over one computer to another computer or on another entirely different network however it can be also done to storage mediums such as a hard disk or USB Device. Furthermore for the file transfer to be done quicker it can be compressed into a smaller files or split into different parts for it to speed up quicker especially for larger files. This is all thanks to telecommunications otherwise it will be much harder for this process.

File sharing
File sharing is exactly what it sounds like and offers access to the documents and files to other users which are on a different network. Resources can be spread to easily which is the main culprit for pirating and entertainment industry losing billions every year. File sharing can be done by various ways when a document is uploaded to a file server and that server can share the information for that file, the download links for this this file can be wrote in different places so people can download the file, again this allows for direct access and very fast transfer speeds. However file sharing files can also distributed via peer to peer networks using peer networking software’s, normally a broad range of material is shared using this however it doesn’t offer direct access and the file is stored in many different computers which will be seeding the file (uploading) and this can throttle the speed majorly not allowing for the best transmission speeds.

Application services: application software e.g.

Databases are important for any one that needs to store information as they can store a lot of this in a special way using algorithms so the database doesn’t become too big of a file. Databases allow for good management of the details included as they can easily be updated from the tables to all the way to the queries. For example large businesses would have many centralised databases to store customer information and details such as personal information, credit card information etc. Databases normally use software such as Microsoft access which can allow for further database adjustments such as numerical values, images and other text features. Database models can also be administrated by the network managers or business heads.

Web Proxy
Web proxy is an application that is used over networking to allowing for secure networking, better networking performance and anonymity. Web proxy applications can be downloaded to many operating systems as well as being used over the internet for example some of these can be Ultrasruf, WinGate, CCProxy, Fiddler etc. These are just a few examples that are free however there are many that are paid for as well. Web proxy requires an internet connection so when you visit the website the server will back up the history of that web page and other webpages you visit, so again you can be anonymous on a network. There are many uses for a proxy such as the proxy will filter encrypted data, bypass censorship or any blocking over the original network connected, and improve performance as the cache stores previous websites visited, translation for around the globe, security can make sure annoying using trackers cannot hunt down the original request for the website and further providing anonymity. Web proxy applications usually allow users to type a website request and the request will be sent to the proxy server, an everyday application that acts like this can be Google chrome and Firefox however advanced applications as the ones stated above can also be used.

Shared resources

Printing is a shared resource for many large scaled businesses, offices, schools and universities. Printers can be shared over the network so many computers can access the files being scanned or the look at the documents being printed. Shared printing is the biggest cost and space saver as only one printer can be used of a whole room which just a simple Cat5 cable and switch connecting it all together rather than buying separate printers. Shared printing is the best for businesses that print of confidential documents all the time as only the computers connected on the network can gain access to the printer and without authentication they cannot. This printing can be done wirelessly with a wireless printer or wired through a normally printer however for wireless printing everything should be in range and every computer must have a Network interface card. With shared printing document transfer is done much more easily and at a faster rate. Furthermore with share printing not only computers can be connected by also other devices such as Tablets and phones can be connected and can also print documents.

Voice over IP (VoIP)
Mobile networking


User authentication is very important for highly protected networks that operate on a large scale and have many confidential documents. With user authentication it allows for identity to be logged into network resource, this is normally done via user name and passwords and the network resource can be anything such as a server. Further authentication is usually done after this such as monitoring through the software based firewall which will check secure connections. User authentication is used in many places such as Remote desktop access to login to the desktop remotely on another network, FTP for get files from a secured server and also HTTP as many webpages require authentication when logging into the website such as Outlook, Twitter etc. Authentication the most important when used in the dynamic IP Addresses for different computers and most of the time proper identification is required before letting the user access the networks resources. For example many users can only authenticate one user per network and computer. However many organizations using this are getting very strict with this, for example if you use PayPal the same device you login and use PayPal with will be logged on their servers but when that is changed and your using a computer on a different network it might not be straight forward logging in and further authentication might be required as it doesn’t normally recognise this device.


Hardware authentication is also used in many ways for security in physical devices to grant access to the right users and not the wrong. Just like User authentication, hardware authentication protects sensitive data on the device the authentication is required. This can be used in many devices including computer devices, tablets, phones, electronic scanners etc. For example a popular example you might see this on is the iPhone with its fingerprint scanner, without the correct fingerprint you cannot access to the phone and any of the data on the phone. However in many organisations now a day’s special optical recognition can be used which is based on genetic and biometric data. For example a retina eye scanner can be used to scan your eyes to allow for authentication however this technology is expensive and therefore it’s only used in high level organisations. 

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