Friday, 19 August 2016

P6- Select information to support a business decision-making process Report 2

Report 2
In this report I have been given Car Insurance Information which seems to show the pricing of the Policies and extra costs that comes with the policy, from what I can make out it all seems to about 1 year unlike the other spreadsheet. The data is all organised in 1 sheet with different categories which make things simpler for me to organise. First I well have to make sure the data is correct in different level such as if it’s accurate and how up to date it is. Then once I have verified everything I will then make 3 different graphs from the information and make recommendations the manager can use hopefully.
With all the data I collected from the spreadsheet I had to make sure a couple of things which was the information’s validity, accuracy, relevance and currency. Not knowing these things could result into me getting the wrong information and redundant data.
Validity – First I had to verify the information for its validity and making sure it was the correct for my purpose. I already knew the source where the data has come from which is FSA Car Insurance Information, so I went on their website to check what kind of information they provide. To further verify the information was correct I checked 3 of the car insurance companies websites to make sure the pricing is correct or at least similar.
Accuracy – The information seems to be accurate as there is no odd patterns or spikes in the data, for example none of the data seems to jump in pricing and it’s all normally in the range of £50, £250 so this way I know the information is accurate,  
Relevance – All the data in spreadsheet was relevant to what I needed for because I was asked to analyse data for the business linked with Motor vehicles and the spreadsheet shown different car insurance policies prices with excess compulsory and voluntary.
Currency- The information has not been updated because it is from the past, the data shows information from 2013 and 2012 which I can still analyse and get important facts but it is not the latest information to something like this current year 2015. Also even though it has 4 months’ worth of information it doesn’t show every month which means it was not regularly updated.
From the spreadsheet I will then investigate this data and sort it in ascending order so I can find the top and lowest selling like I found in the other spreadsheets. From the graphs I will take about the
First I decided to make a graph for the top 3 highest selling premiums and as you can see it is Admiral, 1st central and Autonet, these were the companies. Above the individual bars you can see how much each of the premiums cost with Admiral being the highest at 249.99 and Autonet begin the third lowest 199.99, however you can see by the both of the other ones it’s the same in price so there isn’t much of a difference.
The second graph I decided to make is the Top 3 Lowest selling premiums which turned out to be Endsleigh, RAC and Sheila’s Wheels. I have found out the two of them were similar which were Endsleigh and RAC both pricing at 99.99 whereas Sheila’s Wheel was 9.99 lower.
This is the third graph I decided to make which shown all the Policy Extras which consists of Courtesy Car, Breakdown Cover Cost, Personal Accident Cover Cost and Legal Cover which all added up together for each Insurance company. You can see at the bottom axis the different insurance companies and the bars representing the prices. From this graph you can see that Esure, Churchill, Barclays are the highest for the insurance policies extras. The cheapest insurance policies extras are for Admiral, Tesco and Swift cover which charge £0 which is quite amazing.

From the Graphs I have created there is some important information I have collected that I think the managers will find useful.
My first recommendation would be to rethink the pricing strategy to make it suitable with the other competitors for example with the third graph the top 3 insurance companies seem be way more overpriced than the other companies as there Policy extras are much lower. Of course it would be the best if the policies were £0 because it would mean the company would attract more customers but they still need to be making a bit of profit
In my conclusion all of the different insurance companies could use the information for the graphs so a company can have similar pricing strategies. From what I have also find out

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